In reflection, what started off as a continuation of the momentum frenzy that began in March of 2009, culminated and burned to the ground on one Sunday evening in early May. Thankfully, and on the backs of our best and brightest soldiers – Bin Laden was dead. But a key ingredient in the market’s risk appetite recipe was also killed with the same bullet. Coincidence? Yes and no. As with most things, causation is typically a fools game and likely best kept within the academic confines that have the power of persuasion to suspend the typical laws of nature and reason us mortals have to deal with on a daily basis. Certainly, Bin Laden’s death – or more importantly, life before – was not the motivation for silver’s historic rise. But as with all parabolic and momentum moves – a certain external catalyst is required to rupture the fairy tale thesis once and for all. Bin Laden’s death provided that prick.